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Renewable Heat Incentive (RHI)

The Renewable Heat Incentive is designed to provide financial support that encourages individuals, communities and businesses to switch from using fossil fuel for heating, to renewables such as wood fuel.

To receive payments from the RHI scheme owners will need to meter the ammount of useful heat used on a quarterly basis. As part of the application process all installations that plan to generate more than 1MW or where the system is deemed to be complex, need to obtain a metering report from a independant ‘Competent Person’. In general terms an installation will be considered complex if the heat generated is used in more than one building or the heat is used for a combination of eligible and ‘ineligible purposes’. Forward Energy can help you in deciding if and where heat meters are required.

RHI requirments for an Independent Report on Metering

The Report should cover the installation‘s metering arrangements for RHI purposes, including:

– whether meters and sensors are correctly positioned
– confirm meters and sensors are installed in accordance with the manufacturer‘s instructions and, where relevant, any installation requirements required as part of the MID EC-type or design examination certificate or other EEC, EN 1434 or OIML testing certificates where appropriate
– confirming that where any steam traps or related devices regarded as eligible for metering purposes are observed, there is no evidence that these are inappropriate to the system, inadequately maintained or inappropriately vented
– whether meters and sensors meet the technical requirements of the RHI
– Ensure the system is configured so that any significant heat losses are accounted for by the meter and sensor positioning
– Confirm the schematic diagram is an accurate representation of the installation and the heating system of which it forms part.

Competency criteria

The scheme requires that the report be undertaken by a ‘competent person which Ofgem has interpreted to mean a person that meets all of the following criteria:

– An experienced and suitably qualified engineer (at least HND or equivalent in an engineering discipline from a recognised academic institution)
– Has demonstrable experience and expertise in flow measurement and heat/steam measurement systems demonstrated by training and development records;
– Has a relevant background (involved in energy, utilities, building services, heating system design, heating system operation & maintenance)
– Covered by Professional Indemnity Insurance of at least £1m
– Is unbiased and impartial.

Call us today to discuss your requirments on 01664 840198